HHC Gummies

Buy HHC Gummies in Europe

You may have already seen them in our webshop or shop at Flyboyz, the HHC Gummies. Are you curious about these gummies with HHC? Let’s dive in further because these sweets are great for any stoner!

Hexahydrocannabinol, better known as HHC, is an incredibly popular substance found in cannabis plants. More and more people prefer to use HHC because of its numerous benefits, including reducing pain, improving sleep quality and reducing stress. And, of course, just to get stoned. The only problem with traditional HHC oil is that it tastes bitter and unpleasant.

Thanks to these delicious HHC gummies, you can get the same benefits!

How Are HHC Gummies Made?

Sometimes an HHC gummy will be made by “dripping” distillate onto a gummy. But higher-quality HHC gummies such as ours will be infused with HHC. This means the cannabinoid distillate is stirred into the gummy mixture while it’s being prepared to ensure even consistency and flavor. These are known as HHC-infused gummies. Buy HHC Gummies in Europe